Saturday, 22 March 2014

About Me!

(This post has been edited to fit the present (January 2016) because I've decided to restart this blog!)

Hello! I'm Bubblegum Pink!
I have set up this blog with my dad because I like writing and would quite like to be famous one day and, I guess, this is a step towards that. I will write about anything that happens to me in the world, anywhere, anytime! Now, I think I'll start off with a bit about me. Here goes...
I have five best friends and some people who are just friends. Never had a proper No.1 Enemy, except maybe once. I have two little sisters, Indy and Isabella. Indy can be quite annoying and she is only a couple of years younger than me. Isabella is a toddler and is really cute! I have my mum and dad, and, that is who I live with, in a pretty, cosy house in Bristol.

I like school, and have a good report each year. I am in my sixth year now, and I am doing quite well. I have good levels, especially in reading and writing! You see, I love to read and my favourite author is Jacqueline Wilson, and my favourite of her books is probably Opal Plumstead. And as I read, I learn new words and phrases, and each and every book motivates me to write!

As for my hobbies and interests, well, I seem to have said two already, but I have more than two! I love to swim, and am very good at it, plus, I haven 't even been given swimming lessons! It was my wonderful father who taught me. I also consider myself good at singing, though not at the high notes. Or the very low ones. Me and one of my best friends love to sing, though I must say, I think she is much better than me.
My favourite movie is probably Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for now, but it tends to change. My favourite shows are Doctor Who and Sherlock. Probably because I'm a massive nerd. :3
That's enough about me for now.
Blog with you later!
Bubblegum x