Monday, 27 June 2016

I'm Back!

Hey, guys!

I have not posted for a LONG time, but I'm posting now. I'm sorry that nothing has been going up, but I'm the sort of person who thinks about how they need to do something and then doesn't do it. That's just the sort of person I am.

Nothing has really happened since I last posted. I've just finished Mockingjay today, and I cried. I, unfortunately, have nothing to read tonight because I left 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' at school which I'm really mad at myself about. *Sigh*

I have been journaling every night for a while and I really enjoy recounting my day and gluing little souvenirs into the pages. I've nearly finished the one I have, unfortunately, so I'm going to need to buy a new one soon.

I've also made an attempt to start a bullet journal which has been quite fun. There is so much inspiration all over the internet until I just had to get up and do it. I'm still warming up to the idea, but I'll get into it properly soon enough.

I also found the most amazing blog: I've found each and every post inspirational and really enjoy reading the beautiful words. I'll probably go and read some now!

Happy blogging,
Bubblegum x

Saturday, 18 June 2016

#TomeTopple Readathon Fail

Hi, guys!

As you can guess from the title, I failed the #TomeTopple Readathon. The only book that I managed to complete was Opal Plumstead by Jacqueline Wilson which I finished in four days but I could not read fast enough as to finish Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and only finished it yesterday. I think that I pretty much gave up on the 14th because I went to London for the day on the 15th so I definitely had no time for reading that day (I'll make a post about that trip later).

This post was actually really short but I just wanted to let you know how I got on - which was obviously pretty badly - and I'm going to go now.

Happy blogging,
Bubblegum xx

Hello, Again


Sorry that I haven't posted in a million years; hopefully, there will be a whirlwind of posts today to make up for it. Nothing much has happened in my life, to be fair. My prime struggle at the moment is that I don't have a Father's Day present yet, which isn't that big of a problem so I thnk that it's safe to say that I'm content.

This blog is supposed to be a positive place, I suppose. Even though nobody reads it, I'm going to try and make it a happy environment for anybody who stumbles across it. I want people to enjoy reading this and I want to be able to lift their spirits through my words. I'm hardly talented enough for this, but I'll try.

I guess that I just wanted to say that in my Hello, Again post.


Thursday, 2 June 2016

There's No Place Like Home

Hey guys!

For months, I've been speculating on what life will be like when I move out. In fact, it's a subject I often turn to when I'm feeling down. But will it really be all I think it will be? Or will I end up as a filthy beggar in the cold streets? Nah, my parents wouldn't let me live like that.

I've got a vague idea if what I want my house to be like. I'd love a modern apartment, with a clean kitchen and bathroom. A fairly large bedroom that can fit a couple of bookshelves in. A reading room that holds multiple bookshelves. A living room with a flashy TV and gaming system.

All of these requests are daydreams; they'd obviously never really happen. But it's nice to have them in mind, to imagine an ideal life for my older self.

My house at the moment isn't too bad, after all. My room is fairly compact, but it's cosy. It's filled with loud family members, but at least I'm not lonely. It's ideal for my life at the moment.

Comment down below what your ideal house would be, and what your house is like at the moment.

Happy blogging,
Bubblegum x

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

#TomeTopple Readathon??

Hey guys!

So today I heard of the #TomeTopple readathon which is taking place from midnight on June 5 to midnight on June 19. And although I don't really have any super long books I wanna get off my reading list, I quite like the sound of a readathon. I've never participated in one before, and, although it's not an official participation, I think that I'll try it!

So in this readathon, there are five challenges. The first challenge is to read more than one tome (a book that is 500+ pages) which I'm quite sure that I can accomplish. The second is to take a graphic novel break which I am unsure about because I find it difficult to get hold of graphic novels where I live, but I'll try. The third is to read a tome that is a part of a series which I am also unsure about because I don't think I own any. The fourth is to read over 500 pages in a week, and I feeling pretty confident with this, even though school looms in the backround. And the fifth and final challenge is to read an adult novel, which I will try to do but I fear that I will get bored halfway through.

Okay, so I've just had a look in my room at my shelves and have discovered that this is going to be a lot harder than I though. Two of the books I have chosen are incredibly difficult, and I'm now unsure that I will be able to complete the first challenge.

The first book that I have chosen is Opal Plumstead by Jacqueline Wilson. This book is about a girl called Opal who is fiercely intelligent and a scholarship girl. Unfortunately, her father is imprisoned and she is sent to work. She struggles to get along with other workers, but idolizes the factory owner, a proud supporter of the suffragettes. And when she meets Morgan, her son, she believes she has found her soulmate.
This is the book that I think I will be able to finish within a week, five days minimum, because it is a generally easy read.

I am, however, unsure about the graphic novel side of things. I don't know if Doctor Who Comic counts, but I don't think it does. I'll look in the library, but if it all comes to worst, the comic will have to do.

The tome that I am reading that is part of a series is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I am incredibly unsure about this choice. I'm afraid that I will not be able to finish it before the end of the readathon. I'll try my best, but 636 pages of minute writing doesn't sound good.

The adult novel that I have chosen (I don't know if it has to be a tome or not, but this one isn't) is Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. When I read this, it took me a while, but it's the only adult novel I own so I have no choice.

I am not sure that I will be able to do this, but ther is one thing that I am certain of: the month to come is certainly going to be full of non-stop reading.

Happy blogging,
Bubblegum x

A Day Full of Fun

Hey guys!

Okay, I know that I've already posted twice today, but my writing itch is tickling and I somehow feel that there's more to come!

Well, there is something that I don't think I have mentioned in either of my other posts... It's my sister's birthday!!

Yes, Indy is turning 9 today, so happy birthday to her! And, luckily, her special day falls during the half term, so she had her party bang on the right date! For ages, it was uncertain as to what she would do, all the way up to this morning. There were tears and uncertainty, until she finally gathered herself together and planned an amazing party (with the help of my dad).

Everybody arrived and we played an interesting game of 'Around the World'. In this game, we all got into teams (I did play too, being the big, grown-up sister I am) and were given a piece of paper with a city on it. There were pieces of A4 paper stuck up on the walls all over downstairs and we had to find the city on one of those pieces of paper which would direct us to the next city. The first person to go to all the cities and back wins. Our team came second.

The we had a magnificent lunch of pizza, chicken, hot dogs, popcorn, nachos and carrot sticks with dip. I hooked my tablet up with the radio and played some songs off of YouTube. It was all very fun and delicious.

After lunch, we played 'Pass the Parcel' and I was in charge of the music. In the end, Isabella won the bar of Cadbury's Dairy Milk which I am thankful for because she, being 5, would have cried otherwise.

After 'Pass the Parcel', we played the 'Drama Game'. In this game, we split into three teams and each team got given a bag of four household objects. Then we got sent into different rooms and made up a play using each object. Indy's team won, of course.

Then it was 'Musical Statues' time and I was in charge of the music once again. We also played 'Musical Bumps' and I enjoyed judging that.

Soon enough, it was time for everyone to be picked up and so everyone went out on the trampoline to wait for their parents. They each got a party bag containing a slice of cake, a bouncy ball, a lollipop and a little plastic toilet containing farting putty. They all had fun with this!

Almost everyone has gone home and the three older members of the house (yep, I totally counted myself) can finally have some peace and quiet. I feel happy that Indy's party was a success, even though she can drive me mad sometimes. She's my sister.

I'm probably going to write a post straight after this if I have any ideas. The laptop is really satidfying to write on; I should use it more often!

Happy blogging,
Bubblegum x

Reading Wrap Up ~ May 2016

Hey guys!

So, in my other post that I made today, I have mentioned that I have got into reading again. Through this, I have also got into Booktube. On Booktube, they frequently do 'reading wrap ups' to talk about all of the books they've read that month. I thought that this was quite a good idea to replicate, so I kept a record of all the books that I read in May and now I shall talk about them.

Let's get on.

Girl Online On Tour ~ Zoe Sugg

This book was... Alright. I'd read it before this particular time, but it hadn't got any better. It definitely wasn't as good as it's predecessor, though compelling. 4/5 stars.

The Princess Diaries ~ Zoe Sugg

This was quite a babyish choice, but I saw it on the floor of my sister's room and picked it up. I wasn't impressed  though. 3/5 stars.

The Ocean at the End of the Lane ~ Neil Gaiman

Now this was a good book! I was captivated from the very first page, the words running through my veins, the story playing out in front of me. I could see the scenes, I could feel the emotions. This guy is a genius and I'm looking forward to reading more of his work. 10/5 stars.

Kiss ~ Jacqueline Wilson

I was given this book by one of my friends along with a large bag of books she'd grown out of. Unfortunately, I was unimpressed. This was not one of the best of this magnificent writer's books. The characters tended to twist and change and the story confused me. I did not enjoy this book. 2/5 stars.

The Penderwicks ~ Jeanne Birdsall

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The language was cheery and jumpy and kept you reading. It was generally a quick read but I enjoyed it all the same. 4/5 stars.

Anne of Green Gables ~ LM Montgomery

This was one of my old favourites when I was about seven so when I saw it in the school library, there was no hesitation in borrowing it. I enjoyed it just as much as when I first read it and reccomend it greatly for those that haven't read it. 4/5 stars.

Faceless ~ Alyssa Sheinmel

This book was very, very good. It's about a girl who has a tragic accident resulting in a face transplant. She has to get to know her new self and learn to live with it. I feel like this book conveys a very important message and deserves to be read by all. 4.75/5 stars

Jacky Daydream ~ Jacqueline Wilson

I saw this in the school library and immediately picked it up. The shining tale of Jacky's childhood captivated me, but I somehow did not enjoy it as much as I have in the past. 3/5 stars.

Kindred Spirits ~ Rainbow Rowell

I did not enjoy this book. It was my first Rainbow Rowell read and I was not impressed, probably because it was so short and hardly had a story. This has not put me off her though, and I'll read some of her others but I was unimpressed with this one. 2/5 stars.

And those were all of the books that I read in May. It was a good reading month and I hope to continue that into June also.

Blog with you later!
Bubblegum x

Enjoying My Days Off

Hey guys!

I am still alive! I'm really sorry that I haven't posted in a decade, but I've just been putting it off as a chore for ages until I realised how much I enjoy blogging! A lot of things have happened in my absence. I sat my exams which seems like AGES ago and I can't believe that it was less than a month ago. I almost broke my finger but didn't. On Saturday, I went to a Guide event and got muddy. On Sunday, I went to Brean Theme Park which was amazing! On Monday, I hung out at the City Centre and saw Gary Barlow (I'm not kidding, look it up) and yesterday I had a lovely day ending with a meal out at Wagamammas!

So, half term has started and it's the last half term that I'm having at this school (it feels so weird to say that but it's true). I have a week off of school and I'm incredibly happy about that because I love having free time filled with amazing things. I feel like I've spent the beginning of this holiday quite well and am trying my best not to let myself have a chill day because I just end up feeling gulty about it. I really want to spend my life well which means every day.

I've really got back into reading recently and I'm very thankful for it because it's a feeling that I've missed quite a lot and now it's back. I want to thank Waterstones for this because I went into their shop on Monday and just felt my old connection with books resurface. Booktube has also helped me get back into reading because of the inspiration and just... Books. Also, I want to praise Foyles for their flawless YA shelves!

I think that I might post quite a lot today so that I can make up for all the time that I've missed. I'm really happy that I've finally written this post and I'm really happy with it.

Blog with you later!
Bubblegum x