Hey guys!
Okay, I know that I've already posted twice today, but my writing itch is tickling and I somehow feel that there's more to come!
Well, there is something that I don't think I have mentioned in either of my other posts... It's my sister's birthday!!
Yes, Indy is turning 9 today, so happy birthday to her! And, luckily, her special day falls during the half term, so she had her party bang on the right date! For ages, it was uncertain as to what she would do, all the way up to this morning. There were tears and uncertainty, until she finally gathered herself together and planned an amazing party (with the help of my dad).
Everybody arrived and we played an interesting game of 'Around the World'. In this game, we all got into teams (I did play too, being the big, grown-up sister I am) and were given a piece of paper with a city on it. There were pieces of A4 paper stuck up on the walls all over downstairs and we had to find the city on one of those pieces of paper which would direct us to the next city. The first person to go to all the cities and back wins. Our team came second.
The we had a magnificent lunch of pizza, chicken, hot dogs, popcorn, nachos and carrot sticks with dip. I hooked my tablet up with the radio and played some songs off of YouTube. It was all very fun and delicious.
After lunch, we played 'Pass the Parcel' and I was in charge of the music. In the end, Isabella won the bar of Cadbury's Dairy Milk which I am thankful for because she, being 5, would have cried otherwise.
After 'Pass the Parcel', we played the 'Drama Game'. In this game, we split into three teams and each team got given a bag of four household objects. Then we got sent into different rooms and made up a play using each object. Indy's team won, of course.
Then it was 'Musical Statues' time and I was in charge of the music once again. We also played 'Musical Bumps' and I enjoyed judging that.
Soon enough, it was time for everyone to be picked up and so everyone went out on the trampoline to wait for their parents. They each got a party bag containing a slice of cake, a bouncy ball, a lollipop and a little plastic toilet containing farting putty. They all had fun with this!
Almost everyone has gone home and the three older members of the house (yep, I totally counted myself) can finally have some peace and quiet. I feel happy that Indy's party was a success, even though she can drive me mad sometimes. She's my sister.
I'm probably going to write a post straight after this if I have any ideas. The laptop is really satidfying to write on; I should use it more often!
Happy blogging,
Bubblegum x