Tuesday, 8 August 2017

i am a terrible human being // an apology + new schedule

Hey Internet!

Soooooo I still haven't posted and am a horrible person who doesn't deserve anything nice but ummm hi.

It is now the summer holidays and has been for quite a long while. I've been thinking a lot about how that gives me a good opportunity for actually committing to  my blog but procrastination took hold of my shoulders and shook them as hard as it could. However, today I finally had the strength to click on the Blogger icon and type a few words.

So I am actually going to try and have a blog schedule that I'm going to do and stuff so I'm going to detail that here. During this summer, I am going to allow myself to post when it's convenient because I will have a load of time on some days and absolutely no time on others - especially considering going abroad and stuff - so that's that. Then, once school starts, I will either post once or twice weekly because I feel like that is something that I can keep up with if I actually put my mind to it.

So that is the plan for the moment. I don't think there will be any more posts today or tomorrow or even Thursday but hopefully Friday will mark the dawn of a new age on this sorry-looking blog.
