Wednesday, 27 April 2016


Hi, guys!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I literally just haven't been bothered to get out the laptop and my Blogger app has been glitching like mad so... Yeah.

I'm just sitting here at the desk watching Zoella and typing my blog. The thing is, I never know what to write about. I wish that I could take some good-quality photos and show them on my blog but I don't have a digital camera. :(

I've really been inspired by Penny's blog in Girl Online by Zoe Sugg, but I can't really write a blog like hers because she has a camera and possibly an interesting life. If I had a digital camera and an interesting life then this blog would be waaaay better.

As you may have noticed, this is not a favourites post. I sort of scrapped that because it was a little late in the month for it. I will hopefully do one for April though.

I'm going to Girl Guides later but I'm sort of not looking forward to it because it's cooking and I CANNOT cook. Just trust me. Toast is pretty much my limit. That and the microwave.

I think that I'm going to go now, but I will work on doing and posting other things soon. Probably in May. Perhaps the next post will be a favourites post. Who knows? I certainly don't.

Bubblegum x

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

A Quick Blogging Update

Hi, guys!

Sorry that I haven't posted for a while. I've actually missed three scheduled blog posts. Today isn't even scheduled. I'm just tryng to make up for it.

I'm back at school now. Yesterday was the first day back and it really wasn't all that bad. I'm sad that I don't have a brand new free day every day anymore, though.

I'm currently working on a new blog post for Saturday. It's a March Favourites post and is actually inspired by Zoella. She does a monthly favourites video and I thought that it looked really cool and so I might start that on my blog. I've been making loads of notes on things and gathering them together a lot, so hopefully it will be ready by Saturday.

I hope that you guys are feeling good about yourselves and are currently loving life, even if you do have to go to school!

Bubblegum x

Wednesday, 6 April 2016


Hi, guys!

Today was an amazing day. I went to the cinema and saw Zootropolis (I had to bite down hard on my lip to stop myself from laughing) and I also managed to do a page and a half of homework. Go me!

I realised today how close it is to when school starts (Monday!) and began to panic. I literally have not seen any of my friends yet, nor have I done something truly exciting. The only thing that I've got out of it is one of the best days of my life - Good Friday, if you didn't know.

I really don't want the holidays to end. I love the feeling of waking up in the morning knowing that you can do anything today. It makes me feel good about myself and my life. After this week, I'm not going to be feeling like that for a while...

Especially as this term is the term. This is the one that everyone has been waiting for.

The Exams. 

I'm absolutely terrified, to tell the truth. Every time I think about homework, a wave of pain washes over me. I've even cried. These are not just your average tests, and I'm sure that there is not one person in this world who loves tests. I mean, yeah, there are people who don't mind them, but not people who love them. That would be crazy.

Okay, I'm going to go now. Enjoy life!

Bubblegum xx 

Saturday, 2 April 2016


Hi guys!

I wanna do ssomething worth blogging about today but that will never happen. I'm just bored, so I opened a new tab and logged onto Blogger. Trouble is, I have absolutely nothing to write about at all. I really want to do a Q&A but nobody has asked me any questions. Obviously.

I'm just watching some of Zoella's vlogs and envying her of her amazing life. I wish that when I'm old enough to move out, I'll be able to just hang around and do whatever I like every day. Of course, that isn't going to happen. I'll need to get a job. Then that job will probably consume my life until there's nothing else.

I wish a lot of things. I wish things would be perfect. I wish things would go wrong. I wish to have a calm life. I wish to live an adventure. I wish 'd get good grades. I wish I'd get good friends. I wish I knew who on earth I was.

Ugh, why do all my posts turn so deep? Probably because I have nothing else to write about. Ugh.

Anyway, I really need to enter a creative writing competition but I'm stuck. I know that I'm good at writing (all the teachers say so) but I just cannot ever get any ideas. Ever. I can describe things, I can begin the story. I cannot, however, come up with a plot. It would be great if any readers could suggest a plot idea?

Okay then, back to envying famous YouTubers of their amazing lives. UGHHHHHHHHH


Friday, 1 April 2016

A Lovely Little Chat...

Hey, guys!

So, I'm at home in my pyjamas (despite it being 2:41pm) at the laptop aching to write a new blog post. That's the trouble with me. I'm always wanting to write a dazzling new post with absolutely no clue what to write about. I doubt anyone would want to read someone rambling about having no idea what to ramble about, so I guess that this blog is for my eyes only. *Sigh.*

I've recently been thinking about why I should bother dreaming about being internet famous and having millions of YouTube subscribers and thousands of people reading the words that I've written on this old run-down laptop when it's never going to happen. Nobody reads my blog, or they'd comment to reassure me that they're there.

I wish that I could be something in this world. It's so frustrating, knowing that I can't do anything against all the bad people, all the worldwide problems, all the hate and awfulness in this horrible world. I'm just a little kid typing meaningless words on an old computer that'll probably freeze any second. I want to live a life. I want to live a meaningful life. If only I could choose to...

I'm so young that I have hardly any control over this rollercoaster. It's all up to the grown ups. They're the ones who choose which school I go to, which foods I eat, which items I have, which activities I do. If my mum is unhappy with it, I feel bad about doing it. So I stop doing it.

I know that if I carry on living like this, I'll never have a life. I truly do want one, but how will I get one if I can't even make my own decisions? I need to build up my confidence and independence. I need to work harder on becoming me.

From now on (well, at least throughout the rest of 2016) I'm going to try to develop my own character and fix some of my minor flaws. I need to stop crying over spilt milk. I'm the sort of person who would blub about my sisters blanking me, or if I did something wrong that I regret. I need to think more positive. My mind is always set to negative mode. I need to learn to flip the switch and think positive. I need to be the best version of myself.

You may be seeing a lot more of these random chats, but perhaps that's a good thing. Perhaps people like reading these. How should I know? I'm just a useless kid.
