Saturday 2 April 2016


Hi guys!

I wanna do ssomething worth blogging about today but that will never happen. I'm just bored, so I opened a new tab and logged onto Blogger. Trouble is, I have absolutely nothing to write about at all. I really want to do a Q&A but nobody has asked me any questions. Obviously.

I'm just watching some of Zoella's vlogs and envying her of her amazing life. I wish that when I'm old enough to move out, I'll be able to just hang around and do whatever I like every day. Of course, that isn't going to happen. I'll need to get a job. Then that job will probably consume my life until there's nothing else.

I wish a lot of things. I wish things would be perfect. I wish things would go wrong. I wish to have a calm life. I wish to live an adventure. I wish 'd get good grades. I wish I'd get good friends. I wish I knew who on earth I was.

Ugh, why do all my posts turn so deep? Probably because I have nothing else to write about. Ugh.

Anyway, I really need to enter a creative writing competition but I'm stuck. I know that I'm good at writing (all the teachers say so) but I just cannot ever get any ideas. Ever. I can describe things, I can begin the story. I cannot, however, come up with a plot. It would be great if any readers could suggest a plot idea?

Okay then, back to envying famous YouTubers of their amazing lives. UGHHHHHHHHH



  1. There is no such thing as famous

    1. I'm sure there is. I mean, what would you call Justin Beiber? Or Taylor Swift? Or Pewdiepie? Or Zoella? I could go on and on...
