Wednesday 1 June 2016

#TomeTopple Readathon??

Hey guys!

So today I heard of the #TomeTopple readathon which is taking place from midnight on June 5 to midnight on June 19. And although I don't really have any super long books I wanna get off my reading list, I quite like the sound of a readathon. I've never participated in one before, and, although it's not an official participation, I think that I'll try it!

So in this readathon, there are five challenges. The first challenge is to read more than one tome (a book that is 500+ pages) which I'm quite sure that I can accomplish. The second is to take a graphic novel break which I am unsure about because I find it difficult to get hold of graphic novels where I live, but I'll try. The third is to read a tome that is a part of a series which I am also unsure about because I don't think I own any. The fourth is to read over 500 pages in a week, and I feeling pretty confident with this, even though school looms in the backround. And the fifth and final challenge is to read an adult novel, which I will try to do but I fear that I will get bored halfway through.

Okay, so I've just had a look in my room at my shelves and have discovered that this is going to be a lot harder than I though. Two of the books I have chosen are incredibly difficult, and I'm now unsure that I will be able to complete the first challenge.

The first book that I have chosen is Opal Plumstead by Jacqueline Wilson. This book is about a girl called Opal who is fiercely intelligent and a scholarship girl. Unfortunately, her father is imprisoned and she is sent to work. She struggles to get along with other workers, but idolizes the factory owner, a proud supporter of the suffragettes. And when she meets Morgan, her son, she believes she has found her soulmate.
This is the book that I think I will be able to finish within a week, five days minimum, because it is a generally easy read.

I am, however, unsure about the graphic novel side of things. I don't know if Doctor Who Comic counts, but I don't think it does. I'll look in the library, but if it all comes to worst, the comic will have to do.

The tome that I am reading that is part of a series is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I am incredibly unsure about this choice. I'm afraid that I will not be able to finish it before the end of the readathon. I'll try my best, but 636 pages of minute writing doesn't sound good.

The adult novel that I have chosen (I don't know if it has to be a tome or not, but this one isn't) is Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. When I read this, it took me a while, but it's the only adult novel I own so I have no choice.

I am not sure that I will be able to do this, but ther is one thing that I am certain of: the month to come is certainly going to be full of non-stop reading.

Happy blogging,
Bubblegum x

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